Do This To Out Earn Everyone You Know

It's a game changer...


I've always been a dreamer and always will be.

Sometimes, I feel like my mind is permanently set on the future. While that may not always be the best thing, I adore contemplating future opportunities and the direction I want to take my career to provide for my family and live a fulfilling, wonderful life.

There's a book I read years ago that encapsulates all I believe today. It inspired me to quit my job and run my business full time, allowing me to earn several multiples of what that job paid me (and it was a well-paying job!).

Set Your Vision, Baby

The book is called Vivid Vision by Cameron Herold.

One of the more formative books I’ve read in my life

Super short read. You could probably finish it in 2-3 hours max.

The book isn't flashy and doesn't contain anything that will blow your mind. It's written with the business owner in mind, but the concept can be applied to anything in life, and I believe Cameron said as much in the book itself.

If you want me to save you the 2-3 hours, Cameron makes the argument that one should set an extremely vivid 3-year vision for your future. Where are you in life? What's your net worth? How much money do you make? What are your relationships like? How is your health? Write out the most ideal vision of where you are as if it were in the past tense (i.e., you're writing as ‘future you’ looking back as if these achievements and elements have already occurred). The key is to make it vivid. Write it out with vigorous detail and don't be afraid to make it long.

A short example could be something like the following:

"Can't believe we're busting past $1,000,000/year now. The team and I have been burning midnight oil, gearing up for the big Christmas rush. I'm seriously proud of them. Still mulling over that $3 million buyout offer too... sounds sweet, but we've got more in us. Not sure if it's the right time to bite, so I'm leaning towards a no. But hey, who knows how I'll feel next week.

The missus and I are getting comfy in the new home, and I'm nearly done setting up my home gym. Can't wait to get back into my routine; was getting in shape for that upcoming 5k. Hoping to find my stride again, but still feeling fit and refreshed. Super excited about our South America adventure too. I’m so blessed that I can take this time to really soak it all in with her. I'm grateful for where I am every day and pumped to keep pushing on all fronts."

But What’s Realistic?

Who gives a sh*t. This exercise isn’t meant for you to be realistic. It’s meant for you to dream. Dream BIG, baby. I suppose a bit of realism doesn’t hurt (for example, planning for $1B in 3 years is just insane) but really try to take the limits off with your vision. Whatever you think is the most upper bound of possible for you, try to triple it and make that the goal.

People often get caught with trying to think of a plan of how they will achieve this goal. Once again, no. That’s not what this is. The purpose of this is to set a goal that’s borderline delusional but could theoretically be achieved with a few great moves over the next few years. An example is landing a VP role in your late 20s (which is fairly unlikely but possible) or earning multiple six figures from your corporate job when today you’re earning $50k (again, possible but quite difficult). Make the vision somewhat out of reach and yet makes you SO excited to think about.

I set my first vision back in November of 2020. When I set it, I literally had no f*cking CLUE how I would achieve it. I just set that thing and had it in the back of my head. Over time, I started to do the math and figured out a way to maybe back into the numbers that I had set for myself, but I never made it stressful. The vision to me isn’t a goal per se - it’s a north star. Something to work towards. If it doesn’t happen, who cares. But it’s nice to have the vision to think about when you’re in the middle of the grind, questioning why the hell you’re doing all of this stuff in the first place.

As I kept working hard, the real plan started to emerge as to how I could realistically get there. In November 2023, I realized I had achieved my vision and honestly, was so moved by it. So now, I set a new one that has put me back in that same place of being beside myself as to how I am ever going to achieve it. But man, does it ever motivate me to get my ass in gear each and every morning.

I Want This For You

I really want you guys to give this a shot. Set a crazy vision for yourself and watch what can happen. You’ll start moving with more purpose. Decisions become clearer and distractions become weaker. Setting this kind of north star for your career, earnings and life overall can make all the difference in the world. It did for me.

If you end up writing your vision or are planning on it, let me know by responding to this email! Of course, keep the vision to yourself - it’s for you! I would just love to know if any of you guys are going to give it a shot. Until then my friends…

Earn more,
